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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Workshop in Art Studio and History

space {2D} :: This studio course introduces the studio arts, contemporary art history, theory and technology to the incoming student. It is designed to immerse students in an intense program of researching, interpreting and creating art in the twenty-first century. ART 130 emphasizes the 2-Dimensional Arts but pushes into the 3rd and 4th as well. Its companion courses, ART 131 and ART 132W, support this studio course with lectures, readings, visiting artists and demonstrations.

surface {3D} :: This studio course introduces the studio arts, contemporary art history, theory and technology to the incoming student. It is designed to immerse students in an intense program of researching, interpreting and creating art in the twenty-first century. ART 131 emphasizes the 3-Dimensional Arts as well as pushing into the 4th Dimension.

Lecture :: This course introduces the concepts, theories and information for development in ART 130 and ART131, the studio components linked with this visual arts foundation course. It is an arena for students to experience lectures, demonstrations, seminar activities and visiting speakers, as well as the more traditional aspects of the discipline. It is geared towards contemporary visual concerns and uses experimental techniques to expose students to an array of styles and methodologies.

Think bootcamp for artists!

WASH Building, 2220 Ave. M (across from Holleman Field), Huntsville, TX 77341